Colonial Bronze Base Metal Is Naturally Antimicrobial
In a time when Colorado residents are more concerned about preventing bacterial and viral spread than ever thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, even small steps, such as using antimicrobial door hardware, can go a long way toward creating safer indoor environments. While you can find plenty of options on the market that feature antimicrobial coatings on top of standard materials, it’s also important to note that there are some types of materials that are naturally antimicrobial themselves.
One example of a naturally antimicrobial material commonly used in door hardware is the base metal used by Colonial Bronze, a company with over 90 years of experience creating high-quality hardware. This type of copper alloy can help to prevent a frequently touched surface from harboring a buildup of microbes that could cause people to become sick.
Here’s an overview of what you should know about the effectiveness of antimicrobial base metals in preventing disease spread in Colorado.
Copper alloys and antimicrobial properties
Copper and its alloys have naturally antimicrobial surfaces. These alloys include brass and bronze, two metals that are commonly used for door hardware.
These metals feature a natural ability to kill off many types of common, harmful microbes quickly and easily, generally within less than a couple hours. There has been a significant amount of research done into the ability of these metals to serve as antimicrobial agents. It’s not surprising, then, that medical facilities and other large public properties (like schools and universities) try to use copper alloys on high-touch surfaces like door hardware as much as possible—it’s easy to see the appeal of Colonial Bronze’s products in these situations.
One study indicates that if high-touch surfaces use these copper alloys, the reduced transmission of organisms that would otherwise cause diseases can reduce patient infections in hospital settings by as much as 58 percent. This means the investment into this type of hardware pays off in big dividends.
Consider the alternatives. Micro-organisms are capable of surviving on surfaces for long periods of time. While it can be very helpful for people to wash their hands or regularly disinfect surfaces, the fact is that you cannot always rely on people following basic hygiene practices, or organizations/facilities staying on top of their sanitizing. Approximately 80 percent of infectious diseases get transmitted by touch, and when pathogens survive on inanimate surfaces for days or even months, the microbial burden is extreme. Having surfaces that act as natural repellents (and even destructors) of these pathogens is crucial to ensuring safe and healthy environments.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved registrations for five different categories of copper alloys as having “antimicrobial materials” that also have public health benefits. There are a total of 479 compositions of copper alloys within these groups, used for a wide range of purposes. While this goes far beyond door hardware, it’s no surprise that companies like Colonial Bronze play a critical role in the fight against public health threats like COVID-19.
We strongly encourage you to consider the benefits of copper alloys with antimicrobial properties used in high-touch surfaces in Colorado like door handles and hardware. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits that come with using these materials, contact Custom Door Hardware with any questions you have for our team. We’re proud to carry Colonial Bronze products, and look forward to showing you what this storied manufacturer can offer!
Categorised in: Door Hardware