High-quality door hardware can last for generations, so long as it’s properly cared for. Of course, the kind of care you perform on your door hardware depends on the kind of hardware you have. Different materials have different cleaning methods and maintenance tasks you must perform, so it’s important to understand how to give the best care and maintenance to... View Article
As you can imagine, door knobs and handles are some of the most germ-ridden surfaces in homes and commercial spaces. Countless people touch the handles throughout the day, leaving behind all sorts of different germs and viruses. One study conducted by the Worcester Polytechnic Institute found over 1,000 different bacteria colonies on 27 different door handles on campus. Some of... View Article
Whether it’s from allergies, an illness or just catching a whiff of black pepper, we all sneeze from time to time. When the sudden urge to sneeze comes on, we’re taught to cover our mouths and noses to prevent the spread of germs. Though covering up is essential, studies show that sneezing into your elbow is the way to go.... View Article
When you’re decorating your home, your contractor will likely go to great lengths to stress the importance of significant renovations like new cabinets or new flooring. Those touches can prove transformative, of course, but it’s possible to make noticeable changes in any room in your house just by updating your room’s hardware. Drawer pulls, cabinet handles and especially doorknobs can... View Article
You could look high and low in every corner of the United States and not find a single homeowner who isn’t looking to have the safest house on the block. Even if you live in a nice neighborhood or a quiet rural setting, no homeowner wants to leave the safety and security of their valuables and their family to chance.... View Article