Blog | Custom Door Hardware - Part 20

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Rekeying vs. Changing Out Your Locks

July 18, 2020

Whether you’re moving into a new home or you’re a business owner who has recently let an employee go, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place for changing your locks. There are two basic options for switching your locks in a home or business: lock replacement and rekeying. Understanding the differences between these services can help you... View Article

What’s the Most Secure Type of Lock for a Double Door?

July 3, 2020

What type of lock is best for double doors in Colorado? There are a variety of considerations you’ll need to take into account when making your decision. First, it’s important to be aware of the kinds of locks you’ll find on the market and how they differ from each other. Here’s a quick overview of some of the most common... View Article

How to Care for Crystal Door Hardware

June 19, 2020

High-quality door hardware can last for generations, so long as it’s properly cared for. Of course, the kind of care you perform on your door hardware depends on the kind of hardware you have. Different materials have different cleaning methods and maintenance tasks you must perform, so it’s important to understand how to give the best care and maintenance to... View Article

How Dirty Do Door Knobs Actually Get?

May 27, 2020

As you can imagine, door knobs and handles are some of the most germ-ridden surfaces in homes and commercial spaces. Countless people touch the handles throughout the day, leaving behind all sorts of different germs and viruses. One study conducted by the Worcester Polytechnic Institute found over 1,000 different bacteria colonies on 27 different door handles on campus. Some of... View Article

Why Is Sneezing Into Your Elbow Better Than Your Hand?

May 13, 2020

Whether it’s from allergies, an illness or just catching a whiff of black pepper, we all sneeze from time to time. When the sudden urge to sneeze comes on, we’re taught to cover our mouths and noses to prevent the spread of germs. Though covering up is essential, studies show that sneezing into your elbow is the way to go.... View Article